• Passionate Full Stack Software Developer

    Let's create programs that help people work efficiently!

Video by Jess Loiterton

Quote of the Week

"You can give a fool a thousand intellects, but the only one he will want is yours," says an Arabic proverb.

When the Software Engineer begins to develop a new application, he notices that his neighbor is lurking nearby, offering unsolicited advice.

This neighbor likes to dictate when to implement features, when to optimize code, and when to deploy updates.

If the Engineer listens to what his neighbor is saying, he risks creating a product that is not his own; the software he is building will reflect his neighbor’s vision rather than his own.

But a true Software Engineer understands that every project has its own unique challenges, which only the dedicated effort of the developer can resolve.

That is why he chooses to focus on the requirements, the architecture, and the iterative process of development.

He knows that the fool who gives advice about someone else’s codebase is not busy refining his own."



Coconell Logo coconell.tech

Pronounciation: co - co - nell - dot - tech

Aloha! I am Carissa O'Connell and, you're probably wondering how I came up with the genius (ahem) domain name coconell.tech.

Well, let me break it down for you: I took my initials (CO), doubled it (like cocoa, because chocolate is delicious!) mashed them together with the last few letters of my last name (NELL), and then added .tech because, I'm a Software Developer!

Voilà! Coconell.tech was born!

A domain name that's equal parts clever and relatable!

YouTube Channel coming soon!

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Music by Clavier Music