Keys in SQL



Keys in SQL

Written by

Carissa O'Connell

August 10, 2022; Updated: Jan 2024

In SQL, keys are used to identify specific rows in a table and to find, or create, a relationship between tables. A key can be a single or combination of multiple fields in a table. Keys are also used to retrieve records (data rows) from the data table according to the condition or requirement.

Keys in SQL:
  1. Primary Key
  2. Candidate Key
  3. Unique Key
  4. Composite Key
  5. Super Key
  6. Alternate Key
  7. Foreign Key
Primary Key

The primary key in SQL is a single, or a group of fields (columns) that can uniquely identify a row in a table. The properties of each primary key column or columns are:

  • It enforces uniqueness by not accepting any duplicate values
  • A primary key uniquely identifies each field
  • A table can only take one primary key
  • A primary key column cannot accept null values
  • A single-column primary key is a simple one. The one consisting of multiple columns is called a composite primary key
  • A primary key can be created at a column or table level, using CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements
Adding Primary Key to Table

fabric_id int not null PRIMARY KEY,
fabric_type varchar(50) not null,
fabric_name varchar(50)

fabric_id int not null,
fabric_type varchar(50) not null,
fabric_name varchar(50)
PRIMARY KEY (fabric_id)

A primary key can also be defined after the table is created by:

ADD CONSTRAINT pk_fabric PRIMARY KEY (fabric_id);

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Super Key

A super key is a set of columns that uniquely identifies each row in a table. It is a combination of two or more columns that can be used to identify a record uniquely in a table. Various super keys together makes the criteria to select the candidate keys. A super key is a superset of the candidate key. The role of the super key is simply to identify the tuples of the specified table in the database.

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Candidate Key

A candidate key is an attribute or set of attributes that can uniquely identify a tuple. A candidate key can be used as a primary key. A table can have multiple candidate keys and one can be selected as a primary key.

CREATE TABLE employees(
id PRIMARY KEY not null
first_name varchar(100),
last_name varchar(100),
email varchar(260) not null,
ssn integer not null,
address varchar(200)

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Unique Key

A unique key is a set of one or more fields (columns) of a table that uniquely identify a record (row). It can accept one null value but it cannot have duplicate values. There can also be many unique key constraints for a table whereas a PRIMARY KEY has one constraint.

CREATE TABLE employees(
id int not null UNIQUE,
first_name varchar(100),
last_name varchar(100) NOT NULL

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Composite Key

A composite key, which is also called a compound or concatenated key, is a combination of two or more columns in a table that can be used to uniquely identify each row in the table. A composite key cannot be null.

CREATE TABLE sales_order(
customer_id varchar(6) not null,
order_id int not null,
fabric_name varchar(150) not null,
primary key (customer_id, fabric_id)

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Alternate Key

An alternate key is part of a candidate key but not part of the primary key. Alternate keys do not allow duplicate values, can contain null values unless the NOT NULL constrain is set, and a tale can have more than one alternate key.


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Foreign Key

A Foreign Key is a column in a table that is used as the Primary Key in another table. It is able to accept multiple nulls and duplicate values.

CREATE TABLE Department(
dept_id int PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
location varchar(200) NOT NULL
id primary key not null,
first_name varchar(100),
last_name varchar(100),
email varchar(255) not null,
registration_no not null Unique,
ssn integer not null,
residence varchar(200),
dept_id int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Department(dept_id)

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Carissa O'Connell

Aloha! I am a passionate software developer looking to help people create programs that help improve business efficiency, connect with nature, and play with logic.