Coffee Machine Project





Image by freepik

Coffee Machine Project for Python

Written by

Carissa O'Connell

June 2024

The purpose of the project

The goal of this project was to create a virtual coffee machine that can perform various tasks, from describing how to make a cup of coffee to estimating the amount of ingredients needed and even collecting money and serving coffee. By building this machine, I gained an understanding of the fundamentals of Python programming and hands-on experience with various concepts and techniques related to Python.

Concepts Learned:
  1. Introduction to Python: Learned the basics of Python, including multi-line programs, writing my first Python program, and understanding the importance of coding style guides like PEP 8.
  2. Basic Data Types: Learned about variables, naming conventions, integer arithmetic, and working with numbers in Python.
  3. User Input and Strings: I discovered how to take user input, work with strings, and perform basic string operations.
  4. I learned about comparisons, if-else statements, and Boolean operations, which will enable your coffee machine to make decisions based on user input.
  5. Conditional Statements:Functions and Modules: I learned how to declare functions, import modules, and create your own modules, which will help you organize your code and reuse functionality.
  6. Computational Thinking: Introduced to the concepts of computational thinking, including functional decomposition, parameters, and options.
  7. Data Structures: Learned about lists, while loops, for loops, and loop control, which will enable your coffee machine to store and manipulate data.
  8. Object-Oriented Programming: I also learned about classes, class instances, methods, and attributes, which will help you create a more structured and maintainable codebase.
  9. Brushing up code: I learned about class instances, methods, methods and attributes, and magic methods.

Check out the project at GitHub.

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Carissa O'Connell

Aloha! I am a passionate software developer looking to help people create programs that help improve business efficiency, connect with nature, and play with logic.

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