Word Wizard




Word Wizard

Written by

Carissa O'Connell

July 2023; Updated: Jan 2024

The purpose of the Word Wizard program is to help those who love learning languages, or are interested in learning a language, to play on words.

The program takes in the users input from the list of choices as well as allowing the user to enter in their own specifications. The information is then feed to the AI, and the AI outputs the reading material the user had choosen. The reading material is saved in the program to allow the user to go back to the reading material they had created and allows the user to share the literature.

word wizard

word wizard choices view

word wizard loading view

word wizard saved goodies view

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Carissa O'Connell

Aloha! I am a passionate software developer looking to help people create programs that help improve business efficiency, connect with nature, and play with logic.

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