Coconells World
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Oct 2024; Updated: Nov 2024
This webiste, coconells world, is an example of how the social media site would be set up.
The website would allow the user to create an account and the user can choose which categories to add to their page. Categories for the page can also be made by sharing a post to the page.
When the user shares a post to their page, they have the option to create the filter it should be sorted under
and it allows the user to share the post as a stand alone or to create a blog post where they can write a description and share more items.
Building Coconell's World taught me several valuable lessons:
Embracing Connections: As a software engineer, it's easy to get caught up in technical details. This project reminded me of the importance of how we connect with each other and build each other up.
User-Centric Design: The combination of a mobile-first approach, flexible layouts, responsive images, and touch-friendly design elements contributes to a seamless experience that invites users to explore the whimsical world of Coconell, regardless of the device they choose.
Collaboration is Key: The website is a collection of different features from other developers to create a fun, unique site.
Carissa O'Connell
Aloha! I am a passionate software developer looking to help people create programs that
help improve business efficiency, connect with nature, and play with logic.